Soul Food in Melbourne is hosted at the National Gallery of Victoria. It provides an opportunity to unite in a tranquil environment and reflect on inspiring themes and common threads that tie us all together. It features live music, audio-visual pieces and readings from faiths and philosophers, authors, leaders and indigenous cultures, from all over the world.

The purpose of Soul Food is to inspire us to transform our lives, our neighbourhoods and communities, with actions that promote the unity and betterment of society.

Soul Food is a free community event open to all.

2022 Event Dates Due to the far reaching impacts of the Coronovirus pandemic, Soul Food Melbourne will continue to take a break from our monthly programs.

We look forward to notifying you as soon as our plans for recommencement are confirmed. We hope that you are all well and safe during these challenging times.

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Soul Food on TV – We are proud to announce that Channel 31 has filmed a half-hour special on Soul Food as part of its Multi-Faith and Inter-Faith awareness program called 'Harmony in Diversity'.

Click here to watch the television special!

Study CirclesIn response to interest from Soul Food guests, the Bahá’í community is now offering a series of regular 'Study Circles' – as an opportunity to further explore subjects related to spiritual development.

Study Circles are small, informal groups, and provide an environment in which to discuss meaningful topics with like-minded people. The first Study Circle is titled "Reflections on the Life of the Spirit", from the Ruhi Institute series based on the Baha'i Writings. If you are interested please contact us.

Our SupportSoul Food is proudly supported by the Baha'i Council of South-Eastern Australia.

Soul Food on Facebook Become a Soul Food friend today! Visit us on Facebook.

Programs Enjoy Soul Food programs at home, use them for your own personal event or share them with friends. For all past programs click here.